It's Our First Blog Post!

It's Our First Blog Post!

Welcome to our first blog post! We are excited to start a blog that will bring you along on our journey, but also serve a couple of important functions for us as we settle into our travels.

First, it allows us to document this crazy idea of selling our house, leaving our jobs, and traveling. It will let our parents, family, and friends follow along and see that everything is going just fine! We are starting to feel a bit nervous about our upcoming adventures, but we are positive that it isn't much easier for our families... especially our parents :)

Second, a blog will give us something to do. Although there is going to be a seemingly infinite number of things, places, and people to see, it will serve as some sort of structure that we can use to keep us motivated and engaged in everything we are doing. On this trip we are looking forward to seeing the world and growing together as a couple, but we also believe it is important for us to do things that will challenge us and get us out of our comfort zone. Our blog will be the tool we can use to share our learnings and the fun adventures we are experiencing, and it will require us to keep our brains active and involved in our day to day activities.

Lastly, it will give us an outlet to be creative. This blog will allow us to do some writing, dabble in photography, and maybe even film and edit some cool videos. We aren’t too sure what content we will add, but the possibilities are endless!

So, welcome to our blog and although it might be rough around the edges at first, we could not be more excited to see where it goes and how it develops!

Starting the Count Down!

Starting the Count Down!